7th Executive NTO Council Meeting held virtually

On Tuesday 24 November, the heads and focal points of seven NTO member organisations - ATAF, ATAIC, CATA, CIAT, COTA, IOTA, PITAA – as well as the International Tax Compact (ITC), and the Italian Guardia di Finanza participated in the 7th NTO Executive Council meeting.
Held online, the meeting was chaired by Marcio Verdi, Head of the NTO Council, and hosted and moderated by the ITC Secretariat. NTO members updated on past and upcoming activities within their regional organisations as well as joint activities organised by several member in order to generate synergies. Stefano Gesuelli, Head of the Italian Mission at CIAT and CIAT Director for Planning and Institutional Development, notably shared the updates on the preparation of the 1st NTO Technical Conference which will be hosted by Guardia di Finanza in October 2021 in Rome. NTO members agreed to set the date on the 18 to 22 October 2021 and discussed next steps. A save the date invitation will be distributed shortly. Updates regarding the preparation of the NTO financial sustainability study, the launch of the NTO Practical Guide and the preparation of a webinar series on tax and COVID-19 were also discussed.
Finally, Marcio Verdi closed the NTO Council meeting by emphasising the enriching peer-learning that the NTO is enabling. He also encouraged further bi- and multilateral cooperation towards common results within the network, underlining active membership as the key ingredient for the NTO’s future development.