Cercle de Réflexion et d’Échange des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales

Type of profile
Tax network


The Cercle de Réflexion et d’Échange des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF) aims to enhance the dialogue and exchange between its members as well as with multilateral and international partners on tax matters. Activities include symposiums, seminars, working groups, training measures, the conduction of studies, and the development of guidelines. Currently, CREDAF comprises 30 francophone member countries across the globe.

CREDAF endorses the ATI objectives of the Addis Tax Initiative and has joined the Addis Tax Initiative as ATI supporting organisation. 


  • Regional and international partnership and cooperation
  • Forum for exchange


  • Research
  • Publications
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Working groups

Organisational Structure

CREDAF Secretariat


  • Secretary General
  • Advisor
  • Assistant of the Secretary General


  • Administration of the organisation
Executive Board


  • President, Vice President, and eight administrators
General Assembly (annually)


  • examines and adopts the activity program and the budget presented by the executive Board.
  • approves, straightens or corrects the accounts for the previous financial year.
  • delegates to the Board the powers it deems appropriate to entrust to it.
  • appoints the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General.
  • appoints the external auditor responsible for verifying the accounts of the Association.
  • chooses the country where the headquarters of the Association and the headquarters of the General Secretariat are fixed.
  • fixes the amount of annual membership fees.
  • elects the Board from among its members.Decides on the topics for the Directors’ seminars
  • Selects a topic for the working group (upon recommendation from the executive board)


  • Membership fees based on GNI per capita
  • Provision of staff by members
  • Partners may bear some costs (depending on the topic)


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