Presentation of the ATI Study on Donor Coordination in Domestic Revenue Mobilisation The ATI Study on Donor Coordination in Domestic Revenue Mobilisation was presented at the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference 2019. The study reviewed DRM coordination...
Presentation of the ATI Monitoring Report 2017 The ATI Monitoring Report 2017 was presented at the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference 2019 which monitors the progress towards the achievement of the ATI commitments
GLOBTAXGOV Workshop on Tax & Development The University of Leiden, the University of Gent and UNU-CRIS organised a workshop on "Tax and Development" which included input by the ITC Secretariat about its contribution...
ATI Side Event at 5th ATAF General Assembly The side event promoted dialogue on how the Addis Tax Initiative can contribute to enhance domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) in Africa
Meeting of the ATI Consultative Groups ATI Consultative Groups meet to develop concrete deliverables to support the fulfilment of the ATI commitments
Official Launch of the Network of Tax Organisations The Network of regional and international organisations of revenue administrations officially launched on the 17th of May 2018
Strategy Planning Workshop of the Network of Tax Organisations The NTO held its first strategy planning workshop to draft a strategic plan for the organisation
Third meeting of the member countries of the Addis Tax Initiative The meeting kick-started the process of establishing consultative groups for each of the three ATI commitments and offered a chance for members to exchange on DRM-related...