ITC Publications Get insights about publications by the International Tax Compact and its work lines by selecting them below.
Estudio Exploratorio sobre el Impacto de los Convenios de Doble Imposición para atraer la Inversión Extranjera Directa: El Caso de América Latina May 2013
The control of transfer pricing manipulation in Latin America and the Caribbean May 2013 This paper explains the main legislative and administrative aspects of transfer...
ITC Newsletter December 2012 The ITC newsletter includes the latest news, events, developments and...
Taxation in PEFA Assessments July 2012 This paper assesses 26 countries' tax systems according to the four PEFA...
Study on Mapping International Support to Taxation June 2012 This paper analyses sources of information available on international support to...
ITC Newsletter December 2011 The ITC newsletter includes the latest news, events, developments and...
Mapping Survey Taxation and Development May 2010 This study provides a country-specific and a thematic overview of activities and...